Another window fly up to the sky, with a tremendous sound of noise, window Fried opened, suddenly, the sky, the earth by its light upon as the day the same. 又一个亮点飞上天空,伴着一声巨大的声响,亮点炸开了,刹那间,天空、大地被它的亮光照得如同白昼一样。
The hearts of the sky is blue tile, it has been least squares in the world of dust and noise. 心中的天空是瓦蓝的,它滤去了世间的尘埃与喧嚣。
Blue sky very quiet, no noise, Jing De inner speech and audible sighs. 碧空极静,无任何声响,静得可闻内心的言语和感叹。
According to the features of an infrared image against the ocean and sky background, a new target-to-background contrast enhancement method which is robust to noise is designed. 根据海空背景下的红外图像特性,设计了一种新的对噪音鲁棒的目标背景对比度增强方法。
Infrared images for warship targets in sky – sea background have some characteristics, such as the low target-to-background contrast, great noise and so on. 海天背景下舰船目标红外图像的目标背景对比度低,噪声大。
Analysis indicates: the system G/ T at different antenna elevation angles can be converted each other,Δ G/ T is equal to the difference of background cold sky noise power measured at different antenna elevation angles. 分析表明:不同天线仰角间的G/T值可以换算,ΔG/T等于不同天线仰角下测量的背景冷空噪声功率之差。
It recognizes the real map of the Orion constellation, generates star map at random sky position, then tests the identification ability at different position noise. 对猎户座实拍图片进行识别,并对全天随机位置产生模拟星图,在不同的星体位置噪声下进行星图识别。
The sky background radiation is the main background noise of the laser communication system. Especially to the acquisition link which has the big field of view and the long integration. And the rapid acquisition is the premise of establish the communication link. 天空背景辐射是影响空间激光通信系统的主要背景噪声,其对大视场,长积分时间的捕获单元影响尤为严重,而快速准确的捕获是建立通信链路的前提。